Typing Test

How many words per minute can you type?

Whales are not fish, and they must regularly get back to the surface to breathe. There are many types of whales, each with their own characteristics and vastly different sizes. The most famous by far is the blue whale, the largest animal to have ever lived on this planet. Longer than a tennis court, it also holds the record for the most powerful call in the animal kingdom, which is louder than a jet engine.

Start typing to begin.

This test is intended to be taken with a keyboard, please take it on a desktop or laptop. (Or make your browser window larger)


About the test

This is a simple test of typing speed, measuring words per minute, or WPM.

The standard measure of WPM is (number of characters / 5) / (time taken). By that measurement, "quick brown fox" is 15 characters, including spaces.

The recorded score is WPM * Accuracy.

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